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Monday, 24 September 2012

Jessica Simpson: "5 Ways My Life Has Completely Changed After Maxwell"

It's been four months since Jessica Simpson gave birth to baby Maxwell and 

like most new moms, the experience has completely changed her life. We sat

down with Jessica to get an update -- on Maxwell's sleep schedule, Eric as a

dad and the surprising thing she worries about now (that never used to

bother her!

 1) I try not to compare

"I think that we can easily put expectations on our children just by comparing them to other children. I obviously want to know that my daughter is healthy, that I'm doing the right thing in taking care of her and she's getting all the nutrients that she needs."

"But, I think that as parents, we do a lot of comparing and we don't really focus on our child in their own individuality. Taking away all the comparisons is a really healthy way to parent -- and not focus on the percentiles and all that kind of stuff."

2) eric is sexier

"Watching him as a dad is probably one of the sexiest things I have ever seen. There is something about having these big hands on this little baby that is, by far, one of the sexiest things in the world."

3) i've become a germaphobe!

"I've never been germ-a-phobic at all. And when we were on the plane and I was wearing socks and normally when I get up to go to the bathroom -- I know it sounds bad -- but I don't put my shoes on. I just have socks on. And this time I was like 'That is SO disgusting!' My daughter's going to be sitting in my lap!"

Lifestyle Tips: Tips for Working Mothers

"But I have to keep from obsessing about that kind of stuff because she has to build her immune system up and I can't completely protect her from everything. So I definitely have found myself to worry more now as a mom than I ever have -- just about the small thing that I never would have thought of in the past."

4) sleep is so important

"We don't have a nanny in the day, but we did have a night nurse in the beginning, and it's really helped me stay sane. Anybody that can be there [helps] -- even if it's a relative who can help you so you can sleep in the first couple weeks of being home from the hospital. You have much more of a clear head. It's really hard in the beginning and nobody can prepare you for it. But I really did get lucky: Maxwell is able to sleep through the night!"

5)  knowing everything is okay

"I think all moms just want to make sure that they're doing everything right, especially first-time moms. You're going into it really not knowing what to expect even though there's books written on it and you can try and get all the information you can. You really don't know until you have them in your arms and you take them home -- what choices and decisions you're actually going to be faced with every day."

Edited By Cen Fox Post Team

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