President Obama's poll jump after the Democratic convention could be due more to his paid ads than his convention speech: Obama and groups supporting him aired more than twice as many ads during the two-week convention period as Republican Mitt Romney and groups backing the GOP nominee.
More: Obama's down and dirty campaign tactics
Presidential ad spending: $575 million spent in swing statesTeam Obama ran 40,000 ads between Aug. 26 and Sept.8, compared with 18,000 for Romney and GOP-supporting groups, says an analysis by the Wesleyan Media Project. The ads ran in swing states including Colorado, Ohio, Nevada and Virginia: the top market was Denver, where both sides combined to run 3,000 ads over the two-week period.
More: Obama's down and dirty campaign tactics
Presidential ad spending: $575 million spent in swing statesTeam Obama ran 40,000 ads between Aug. 26 and Sept.8, compared with 18,000 for Romney and GOP-supporting groups, says an analysis by the Wesleyan Media Project. The ads ran in swing states including Colorado, Ohio, Nevada and Virginia: the top market was Denver, where both sides combined to run 3,000 ads over the two-week period.
Polls this week show Obama with a 4- to 5-percentage-point lead over Romney, a swing of 4 to 7 points from their standing before the Democratic convention.
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To date in the campaign, the ad race has been close to even: Wesleyan says Obama and his allies have run 315,000 ads since April 25 compared with 303,000 for Romney and his team. More than half (54%) of the ads supporting Romney or criticizing Obama were run by outside groups, while 90% of ads from Team Obama came from the incumbent's re-election campaign. That ratio is expected to change since Romney accepted the nomination and is now able to use general election funds.
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