Would you be interested in being blessed with a sexy butt? If you answered with an emphatic “YES!” you're not alone. According to studies, an estimated 80 percent of women over 18 aren't happy with their bodies. OK, so maybe what sets you apart from the rest is that you've tried everything to trim and tone your butt. You eat right and you spend hours on the treadmill, yet nothing seems to work when it comes to getting a tight butt.
your regime should be a three-pronged attack of balanced diet, cardiovascular workout and butt toning exercises to ensure a fit and trim figure.
Century Fox Tips: How to begin workout at home.
Healthy eating and regular cardio activity are musts when it comes to boosting metabolism and losing weight.
The butt is comprised of three muscles (the gluteus maximus, the medius and the minimus) so it's important to work it from various angles.
To get the most out of this workout, do the proper amount of reps the first exercise, then move on to the second and third exercises without resting. When you have completed all three exercises, rest for 30 seconds and repeat the entire set. After the second set, rest 30 seconds and repeat a third and final set.
Always allow 48 hours rest between workouts. Here are your super three exercises for building a better butt
Hip Exercises
1) Good MorningBegin by resting a barbell across your shoulders. Assume a shoulder-width stance and keep your lower back taut throughout the movement. Slowly bend forward at the hips until your body is roughly parallel with the floor. In a controlled fashion, slowly reverse direction, contracting your glutes as you raise your body up along the same path back to the start position.
2)Standing Leg Curl
Begin by attaching a weight to your right ankle. Grasp onto a stationary object and slowly curl your right foot upward, stopping just short of touching your butt or as far as comfortably possible. Contract your right hamstring and then reverse direction, returning back to the start position. After performing the desired number of repetitions, repeat the process on your left.
3)Kneeling Abduction
Begin by kneeling on the ground, assuming an "all fours" position. Keeping your right leg bent, raise it to the side as high as comfortably possible. Contract your glutes and then slowly return the weight along the same path back to the start position. After finishing the desired number of repetitions, repeat the process on your left.
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