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Sunday, 8 July 2012

‘Mushharraf knew of Osama hiding in Abbottabad’

English: Osama bin Laden interviewed for Daily... Osama bin Laden  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)SYDNEY: A retired Pakistani military officer,Brigadier Ijaz Shah is alleged to have harboured Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan for years, former head of Pakistan's spy agency, the directorate of ISI, general Ziauddin Butt, has claimed.

According to Sydney Morning Herald, Ijaz Shah was also a dinner guest at Government House in Canberra in June 5 and was one of Pakistan's former president Pervrz Musharraf's  staff during the latter's visit to the country. In 2004, Musharraf had nominated Shah to be high commissioner to Australia. He was rejected by Canberra, it is understood, out of concern over his links to terrorists , the paper said.

Butt has claimed that Brig Shah harboured the world's most wanted criminal for years, at the same time that other arms of the Pakistani military and US were hunting him. "The most important and all-powerful person in (the) Musharraf regime was Brigadier Ijaz Shah, then Intelligence Bureau chief," the paper quoted Butt, as saying. "I fully believe that Ijaz Shah had kept this man (Osama bin Laden, in Abbottabad) with the full knowledge of Pervez Musharraf," he added.

According to the paper, in a separate interview, Butt said that the Abbottabad compound was built on the orders of Shah. Shah, however, said that the allegations were groundless. "Not only do I reject it, but any sensible man in the world will reject this allegation ," the paper quoted Shah, as saying. "I retired on March 18, 2008, the Abbottabad incident took place in May 2011. How is it possible that I am involved in this?"

Qaida video shows gun-toting 'killers' in ninja outfits 

A new al-Qaida video posted on extremist websites linked to the terror outfit shows six masked assassins in "ninja" outfits firing automatic pistols at a camp thought to be on the Pak-Afghan border. The chilling footage shows terrorists going through a series of shooting drills, The Sun reported.

It underlines the recent warning by Jonathan Evans, chief of MI5, UK's internal counterintelligence and security agency, that al-Qaida fanatics continue to pose a threat. In the film the extremists first adopt the classic firing pose, pistols held in both hands with arms outstretched. They then drop to a crouch to pepper a target with bullets. The ninja terrorists are also filmed blasting AK-47 assault rifles, nicknamed the "Widowmaker" . They unleash volley after volley from the shoulder, then the waist, before shooting while kneeling, sitting and lying on the ground. Two of the black-clad recruits are shown with a heavy machine gun. Other terrorists are filmed rehearsing drive-by shootings. PTI
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