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Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Nasscom starts BPO reboot exercise

NASSCOM Global Leadership Awards                BANGALORE: IT-BPO industry body Nasscom will conduct a comprehensive study to capture perceptions about the BPO business among various stakeholders —academia, students, parents, employees, companies (voice, non-voice, integrated, pure-play and captive) and the general public. 

The move follows complaints from the BPO industry—which TOI recently reported about—that little has been done to build awareness about the industry and its potential, and the fact that it is no longer the low end call centre business it started out as. Some believe this is the reason why the industry has lost some of its steam and why the Philippines has become such a powerful force in this space. 

Tata Consultancy Services will do the study with the help of a third party on behalf of Nasscom. The study will focus on identifying key elements that attract people to the industry and those that put them off. It will be the first such industry wide survey, and will help the industry determine the messaging required to change perceptions among stakeholders and around the world. 
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